Friday, March 11, 2011


From Monday morning through 6:45pm Tuesday evening we experienced the longest, most widespread outage in our five-year history. A mega-snowstorm, which prevented vehicle access to our W. Cornwall tower location until it was cleared with a front end loader early Tuesday morning, a concealed equipment problem on the Battell roof pushed over the edge by the drifted snow there, and finally, a defect in a brand new unused spare backhaul radio we attempted to deploy to replace the unit at Battell conspired to lengthen our concerted efforts at restoration.

The only good news is that the discovery of the problem on the Battell roof has already solved a couple of nagging minor network issues, including the past month's problem with the W. Cornwall link, and has improved network performance perceptibly.

We are aware aware that constant broadband connectivity is a necessity, and that this kind of event is absolutely unacceptable. We are evaluating the lessons learned and implementing policy changes, which, in combination with this year's backhaul redundancy plan, will make a recurrence of this disaster impossible. Thank you for your continued patronage and support as we move forward.

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