Saturday, December 6, 2014

Another Wobble, more Serious

This afternoon the Cornwall to Ripton backhaul link (same link as in the previous post from mid-November) actually went down briefly at around 3:30pm today. It came back up rather quickly, but it took some time to retune it to a perfectly stable lower modulation rate at a little after 5:00pm. It appears that we had a rare weather anomaly--severe icing on the uphill end, perhaps. It seems to be recovering signal strength slowly, and we will be monitoring it closely overnight and bumping up the modulation rate if possible. In the meantime, Ripton customers will see somewhat slower rates and video streaming may be more problematic. We will post an update in the morning.
We are finishing up an upgrade plan that includes increasing bandwith to Ripton by a factor of 10, and implementing backhaul redundancy as well.  We'll be looking for investors at various levels to help make that happen...fair warning to deep pocketed customers concerned about the availability of quality, reliable, locally supported service!

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